Thursday, October 15, 2009

U Words Lesson Plan

Continuation of Cookie Monster Lesson Plan
Level: Pre-school/Kindergarten
Subject: U Words
Story: Cookie Monster And The Cookie Tree

I. Objectives:

A. Basic
1. To practice reading words with short U sounds.
2. To match picture puzzles with short U sounds.

B. Average
1. To form words with short U sounds.
2. To complete sentences using short U words

C. Fast
1. To arrange words to form sentences.
2. To complete sentences using U words.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Basic – mastery of short U words with CVC pattern
B. Average – mastery of short U words with CVCC pattern
C. Fast – mastery of short U words with CVCC/CCVCC pattern

III. Procedures:

A. Basic

1. Oral Work: Follow that Cookie

The students will be divided into 2 groups and form 2 lines. There will be a giant board game composed of 12 steps from the start to finish. A representative from each group will roll the die and move their groups’ token. Then he or she will read the printed word out loud that their token will land on. The members will take turns until everyone has participated. The group who reaches the last board first wins the

Words; rub, mud, cut, but, nub, hum, tug, run, fun, sud, bug, jug
2. Seatwork: Pull the Bucket

There will be a pocket chart filled with wells posted on one side of the room. There are short U words written on the well. The students can pull the bucket to find puzzle pieces. Then they will fit the puzzle pieces together and match the picture formed with the chart U word. The students will write their answers on the worksheets what will be provided for them.
B. Average

1. Oral Work – Alphabets

The students will be divided into 2 groups and form 2 lines. The students will be given with different colors. After the teacher gives the signal, a representative from each group will get the letters with the same color as their belt. They will unscramble the letters and clip them to the belts to form short U words. Then they will read the word out loud and go to the end of their line. Whoever reaches his or her line first gets a point for their group. The members will take turns in forming the words until everyone has participated. The group with the most number of points at the end of the game wins.
2. Seatwork – Cookie Jar

There will be a cookie jar filled with different kinds of cookies. Written at the back of each cookie are incomplete sentences. The students can open the cookies and short U words will pop up. The students will write the completed sentences on the worksheets that will be provided for them.
C. Fast

1. Oral Work – Monster-mouths

The students will be divided into 2 groups and form 2 lines. After the teacher gives the signal a representative from each group will get some cookie monster’s mouth. There are words printed on the cookies. He or she will arrange the words to form a sentence, read it out loud then go back to their lines. Whoever reaches their line first gets a point for their group. The members will take turns until everyone has participated. The group with the most number of points at the end of the game wins.

2. Seatwork - Witch Heads

There will be a pocket chart filled with witch heads on one side of the room. There will be incomplete sentences printed on the witch’s hat. The eyelids of each witch can be pulled down to reveal the choices. The students will write the completed sentences on the worksheets that will be provided for them.

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